How to Adjust Windows 10 Computer Brightness


On a Windows 10 computer, adjusting the brightness is a simple procedure that can be carried out in a few different ways based on your preferences and the device you’re using. Whether you’re using a tablet, laptop, or desktop, you can minimize eye strain and maximize screen visibility by changing the brightness, especially in various lighting scenarios. This is a thorough tutorial that explains how to adjust brightness on Windows 10 computers:

First method: Open the Settings app and click on Settings.

Either hit the Windows key on your keyboard or click the Start menu icon located in the bottom-left corner of the screen.

To access the Settings app, click the gear symbol (➙️).
Navigate to the System Settings:

Select “System” from the list of options in the Settings app.
Modify the brightness:

Select “Display” from the sidebar menu in the System settings.

There’s a slider under “Brightness and color” that says “Brightness level.”
To change the brightness level to your preferred level, use the slider. To enhance brightness, slide it to the right; to decrease brightness, slide it to the left.

Approach2: Making Use of Keyboard Shortcuts
Keys for Brightness:

There are specific keys on a lot of laptops and some desktop keyboards for changing the brightness of the screen.

On keys, look for sun images or labels that say things like “Brightness Up” or “Brightness Down.”
To raise brightness, press the “Brightness Up” key (often the Fn key plus the appropriate function key); to decrease brightness, press the “Brightness Down” key.

Method 3: Making Use of Action Center: Launch Action Center:

In the taskbar’s lower-right corner, click the Action Center icon. It looks like an icon for a speech bubble.
As an alternative, you can launch Action Center by pressing the Windows key + A on your keyboard.
Modify the brightness:

A brightness slider may be found in the “Quick actions” area of the Action Center.
To increase or decrease brightness, drag the slider to the right or left.

Approach 4: Utilizing Power Options
Accessible Power Alternatives:

To access the battery or power icons, right-click on them from the Start menu or the system tray (located in the bottom-right corner of the screen).
From the context menu, choose “Power Options”.

Modify the plan’s parameters:

Your current power plan will be presented in the Power Options box. Select the plan you want to change and click on “Change plan settings”.

Modify the Advanced Power Configurations:

Click on “Change advanced power settings” in the resulting window.
Modify the brightness of the display:

The “Display” category can be expanded in the Advanced options box.Seek for choices such as “Dimmed display brightness” or “Display brightness.”By entering the required percentage values, you can change the brightness levels for both the “On battery” and “Plugged in” modes.

Using the Graphics Control Panel (Graphics Card Settings) is the fifth method.
Graphics Control Panel for Access:

The graphics control panel on a dedicated graphics card (such as an AMD or NVIDIA card) allows you to change the brightness of your screen.

To access the graphics control panel, right-click on a blank space on the desktop and choose it from the context menu. Depending on the manufacturer of your graphics card, the exact selection could change.

Modify the Brightness Configurations:

Go to the display settings or color settings area of the graphics control panel.
Search for settings pertaining to adjusting the brightness. To adjust brightness settings, you can come across sliders or numerical input areas.

Apply the modifications after making the necessary adjustments.

Crucial Information:

Battery Life: When using laptops and other portable devices while on the go, reducing the brightness of the screen might help prolong the life of the battery.

Eye Health: Reducing eye strain and discomfort, especially during prolonged computer use, can be achieved by adjusting brightness to match ambient lighting conditions.

Calibration: Use the built-in calibration tools or third-party software to adjust the brightness, contrast, and color settings of your display for the best viewing experience.

You can effortlessly adjust the brightness on your Windows 10 computer by utilizing these ways, which will guarantee that you can see clearly and comfortably in a variety of settings. Try out various brightness settings to determine which one suits you the best.

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